Our Vision
We're dedicated to providing services that connect, educate and support women and families through preventative wellness programs, educational resources, and medical interventions.

Our Mission

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A Message from Our Founder
When my grown daughter was a teen, we experienced many of the same challenges moms and daughters face, as daughters work through the complexities of adolescence and find their voice. On one particular day, she refused to call me mom, thus we decided on friends – girlfriends.
When I went on to fulfill my dream of starting an organization dedicated to women’s health I knew that girlfriends had to be in the title. In addition to that special meaning of support between mom and daughter for me it describes the power of women supporting each other.
It is imperative that we take personal accountability for our health care but we don’t have to work alone. Together in friendship, we can advocate for ourselves and one another. Our official role may be mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, or aunt, but we are friends at the end of the day.
Today I am a mom and grandmom and forever girlfriends.

Meet the Team
"In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have."
& Resources
The Preeclampsia Foundation reduces maternal and infant illness and death due to preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy by providing patient support and education, raising public awareness, catalyzing research and improving healthcare practices. We envision a world where preeclampsia no longer threatens the lives of mothers and babies.

Grief is an intensely emotional and natural response to loss. Losing a loved one is difficult, no matter the circumstances, and each person handles loss in his or her own unique way. Some internalize the pain, while others outwardly express their emotions. Seeking counseling can help process the complicated emotions of grief.
Environmental Impacts on Women's Health
Why Water and Sanitation Matter for Women and Girls | Plan International USA (planusa.org)
Seeing Plastic Waste as a Women's Health Issue – Sqwishful
Why do women suffer more from the effects of plastic | Sinplástico (sinplastico.com)
Climate Change: Protecting Women’s Rights
Just for Laughs
Things to Know
Ways to Give
Your donation and ongoing support, allows us to make a difference in supporting our mission through education, research, and public advocacy. All donations/gifts are tax-exempt. In gratitude, you will receive a thank you letter with our tax ID number for your tax purposes. We have developed various routes of giving through PayPal, cash, check, or money orders. Together, we can rise by lifting one another. Your Support Is Greatly Appreciated!

Welcome to
Girlfriends Guild
The Girlfriends Guild Foundation was created to provide funding for services offered through Girlfriends Guild, Girlfriends Health, individuals, and other organizations whose mission is to improve the quality of life for women. To serve our community is a privilege and an obligation. We excel in our sensitivity to the needs of those we serve. We value friendship, community, individuality, and education.

Make a One-time Donation or Sign Up for Monthly Donations

Make checks payable to:
Girlfriends Guild, Inc.,
PO Box 476
Melbourne, FL 32902
Become a Member

Girlfriends Guild
We're dedicated to providing services that connect, educate and support women and families through preventative wellness programs, educational resources, and medical interventions.
Join Us
Membership is open to the public – anyone may join. Interested participants can join Girlfriends Guild Foundation by completing the membership form and submitting it with payment. The common body of members share a passion for women’s healthcare issues. Girlfriends Guild membership is comprised of people from all walks of life, diverse in age, education, occupation and interest as well as ethnic, social and spiritual backgrounds. Members include students, working and retired individuals.
Thank you for visiting!
Visit Girlfriends Health for more on Dr. Annmarie's health and wellness programs and follow her on Facebook @Dr.AnnmarieWaite or Instagram: @girlfriends_health.